U r fired. Thx 4 ur time :)
Hi people. I read a very strange note today in Yahoo, which I found really bizarre and which, somehow, depicts the reality that the modern human civilization is living at the beginning of this 21st century.

A person named Katy Tanner, 21, failed to show up at her workplace, a store in England named Blue Banana, which offers piercings and jewellery. This because she was allegedly suffering a migraine that wouldn't let her work that day.
Suddenly she received an SMS message in her cell phone, which said "We will not require your services anymore...Thank you for your time with us".
And this, obviously, has generated a big dilemma: Is this an ethical way to tell employees that they're fired?
There are some different thoughts for this issue. The first one, Ms. Tanner's idea is that it's not an acceptable manner. She argues that "I don't think it's right to just text someone. At least they should have talked to me face to face; [...] you're not allowed to text in sick, you have to phone. The fact that they texted me is a bit of double standards".
On the other hand, Blue Banana's managers have a different point of view, claiming that they tried to contact their employee five or six times by phone, having no results. By then they decided to send such an SMS message; however, they argue that their business is a youth orientated one and all of their employees (many of them aged below 21) are so familiar with SMS messaging that it could be considered one of their main means of communication.
If you ask me, I agree with Katy. Although it's a fact that SMS messaging is very popular to communicate with other people, especially among the young population, it's also true that firing a person from their job this way is pretty informal. I mean, who'd like to be informed of such an important situation without even being able to ask: "Why?" As Katy argues in her statement, "they should talk to you face to face".
What do you think about this topic? Please post your messages and let me know... see you!
To read the original note in Yahoo, click here.
I agree with you Eddie. I think it is a terrible way to dismiss an employee. The employer should have enough respect to tell the employee face to face about the situation. As well, I don't think they should let an employee go for having a migraine. This is a serious medical condition that can leave people completely unable to work. It could almost be considered a disability and Katy's employer probably let her go because of it. If I were Katy, I would be taking her employer to court for wrongful dismissal.
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