Africa, a host continent for education
I have never been in Africa, an many people close to me haven't either. It's a distant place for western people, especially for us who live in the American continent; so when we think of Africa, we think about poverty, hunger, diseases, and war. And Sudan is not an exception country, who could override the awful life conditions that people at Darfur are living right now?. But it would be good to talk about the positive things that can be found in Africa too. 
This July 24, the University of Khartoum, Sudan, is celebrating its 50th anniversary since it became officially a university (before that time, the institution was called the Khartoum University College, which was affiliated the the University of London).
Why is this data important? Well, the University of Khartoum is the most important education institution in Sudan; it really contributes to the development of such country by allowing 3,500 students each year to enroll to their programs. It is actually rendering its services to some 16,800 people, from which a slight majority are women (an amazing fact considering that we're talking about an Islamic Republic; let's not forget that in the Arab world, most of the times the education is denied to women) and 6,000 are graduate students.
Congratulations to that University on its 50th anniversary. I'm really pleased to know that African nations are also doing a great effort to develop and to take part in this modern and globalized world.
Cheers people, please feel free to write any comments.

This July 24, the University of Khartoum, Sudan, is celebrating its 50th anniversary since it became officially a university (before that time, the institution was called the Khartoum University College, which was affiliated the the University of London).
Why is this data important? Well, the University of Khartoum is the most important education institution in Sudan; it really contributes to the development of such country by allowing 3,500 students each year to enroll to their programs. It is actually rendering its services to some 16,800 people, from which a slight majority are women (an amazing fact considering that we're talking about an Islamic Republic; let's not forget that in the Arab world, most of the times the education is denied to women) and 6,000 are graduate students.
Congratulations to that University on its 50th anniversary. I'm really pleased to know that African nations are also doing a great effort to develop and to take part in this modern and globalized world.
Cheers people, please feel free to write any comments.
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
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