Novelty contact lenses are not fun!

But there are some novelty contact lenses out there that are pretty weird. They can make someone's eyes to look pretty awkward. But it's important to know that wearing contact lenses carries some inherent risks when the person is not appropriately informed about how they work.
This is a case that will probably make you think twice next time you plan to wear contact lenses without the appropriate cautions, and just for fun and fashion, like if they were toys: A 24 year-old guy (whose name was not published) who didn't previously wear any contact lenses in Auckland, New Zealand, got a couple of novelty contact lenses that he wore for three consecutive days. By the third day, he was at the hospital receiving a corneal transplant surgery. He now has a destroyed cornea eaten by bacteria, which left him blind of one eye.
Why? As the person didn't have the necessary information regarding the risks and cautions to consider when wearing contact lenses (not even the risk of contracting conjunctivitis or hepatitis), he thought of them as toys.
But not all was his fault. It seems that the applicable regulations in New Zealand do not specify a disclosure of cautions and risks to be included in the package of novelty contact lenses. Will they do something about it now?
The only thing I know, is that such lenses are not toys, and hence, they're not fun!
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