Dolce & Gabbana, its marketing age of grotesque?
I just saw the new posters launched by the clothing firm Dolce & Gabanna, the ones that are supposed to make people feel the desire of buying more of the products they sell. They're supposedly inspired in the Napoleonic era, which is not a bad idea. However, I think that the result was catastrophic. Here is one of the posters released:

In fact, I'd say overall that the combination of colors is pretty dark, not even inviting to see the ad, and even less to buy clothes. I think that what they tried to achieve is some sort of "shock marketing", but with an awful approach.
Here is another image worth to see:
Now, that's creative and appealing. First of all, we have the violence thing back, showing the corpse as the main character. The naked guy has totally nothing to do with the Napoleonic eras; if you see carefully, you'll notice that he's wearing a crown made of golden olive leafs around his head, pretty typical of the Roman era (and why the hell is he naked? There's no point on having a naked individual on this one!). Again, the color mix is terrible, very dark, not appealing at all.
A final sample of the campaign:
From what I see in these images, I can tell that I don't feel like buying Dolce & Gabbana clothing soon. This is probably the sickest, creepiest, most poorly thought and depicted advertisement campaign that I've ever seen for a clothing company. Not even American Apparel's posters, which normally contain some questionable exhibitions, reach this level of grotesque.
I'm not the only one complaining about it, it seems that in England the posters weren't cheered by the consumers as well. The Advertising Standards Authority will probably rule at some point that the content of the images is not appropriate. What a waste of money by Dolce & Gabbana, if I were them, I would really reconsider to have the actual personnel at the marketing department!
What are your feelings after seeing this campaign? Do you feel appealed to buy Dolce & Gabbana's products?
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