Peace on Earth
Hi everyone.
In the last weeks, a lot of tension has exploded in the Middle East, which brings the feeling that the world will suffer another war (let's hope not!).
These are indeed the results of so much pain and suffering brought by the fundamentalist militias in Arab countries. Was it really worth for them to kidnap Israeli soldiers? Did they think about the sour consequences that such action would bring to their own people, the ones that they're supposedly protecting?
I want to express something: this war in
Lebanon is really useless, and an end to it could be placed very easily: to release the Israeli soldiers, and that Hezbollah recognizes Israel as a sovereign country. That's all.

I really wonder if the arab culture, so rich and advanced many centuries ago, will ever be the civilization they used to be, or if otherwise they'll keep supporting their fundamentalist terrorist groups as Hezbollah or Hamas while the rest of their population suffers illnesses, hunger and poverty.
Let's save this world from unnecessary conflicts as the one that is taking place right now in the Middle East. I raise a voice for peace through this blog, and I hope that many of you guys do the same. Cheers.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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