Crime alert in Kinshasa?

It happens that in Africa there's a widespread belief that sorcerers have special powers, and people in Kinshasa have been warned to keep away from them. The victims of this curious kind of theft (who add up to more than 15 men) argue that sorcerers touched their penises, and they either shrank them or disappeared them. Pretty much they are suggesting to begin a contemporary witch-hunt to eradicate this crime from the streets of Kinshasa - a suggestion that might gain widespread support. But the police decided to arrest a few suspected penis-thieves to avoid a massacre.
Having penis thieves in Kinshasa is really bad, and men should be careful with their possessions there these days. I can't really understand what reasons could drive a thief to steal a penis, but in any case, men around the world should be cautious. Hopefully, the penis-theft wave won't hit sensitive places in the world, as the Vondelpark in Amsterdam could be, for instance.
Click here to read the entire note by Reuters