Amsterdam: A new blow to social values?
The authorities of this Mecca of Decadence have decided to add a new attraction for so-called 'liberals' from around the world. According to a report published in the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf, effective this summer, it will be legal to have sex in a public park. But not just any park, this will only be acceptable in the Vondelpark, which is a very central green area in Amsterdam.
The Dutch authorities, very conscious about morality and social values, have been very careful in the regulation of this new pastime. Certain restrictions will apply for people who wish to fornicate in the wild: It will only be allowed in the evening hours and nighttime, in areas away from children's playgrounds, and under the condition that condoms must be cleared from the area.
The National Diversity Expertise Centre (LECD), which is responsible for the promotion of this state-of-the-art idea, justifies this move with a very simple question: "Why should we try to maintain something that is actually impossible to maintain, which also causes little bother for others and for a certain group actually signifies much pleasure?". That's a very clever mentality; following that rationale we should also be thinking of other avant-garde steps: Why should we try to maintain drugs (apart from marijuana) out of society if it causes little bother for others and for a certain group actually signifies much pleasure? Or why should we ban people from relieving themselves in the streets when it causes little bother for others and for a certain group actually signifies a very physiological need? The list could go on and on.
Now, the LECD is trying to convince the authorities in other cities, like The Hague and Rotterdam, to also allow public sex. Hopefully the authorities of The Hague and Rotterdam won't be as 'open minded' as their counterparts in Amsterdam to allow some of the most basic social values to erode in their cities too, so they can avoid their cities of becoming new hubs of perdition.
Photo by Tom Haarman
Ah, the wonderful Dutch "liberals".
Their wonderful pie in the sky.
Vondelpark, incidentally, is named after the Dutch Shakespeare. Being very religious, I'm sure he'd approve.
I totally agree with that opinion. I find this idea very decadent, and I honestly hope that it doesn't inspire other cities in Europe (or elsewhere) to promote what they call 'liberalism'.
I'm sure that Mr. Vondel wouldn't be very pleased to know that a park named after him will be the first outdoors brothel in the world. Sad but true.
Thanks for your comment, and be sure to come back sometime!
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