Terrell Owens, the newest Buffalo Bill

How good, or bad, is this radical step taken by the Bills? Terrell Owens is a very talented player, who has made a huge reputation with his performance on the field... and his eccentricities outside. He is famed not only for his outstanding abilities as a tight end, but also for his disciplinary slip ups that have caused some indiscipline in the teams where he has played in the past. And this is definitely a matter of interest for the Bills, who traditionally have had low-profile, young rosters of players who typically keep themselves away from the limelight of disciplinary issues.
On the other hand, the Bills' performance as a team has been far from outstanding during the last ten years. The reasons? Nothing has been proved for sure, but I would think there have been several flaws in the game structure planned by the Bills in the last decade. But, although there have been several improvements in the game style utilized by the team (most remarkably during the last season), and even though the current roster is made up by energized and passionate people, a couple of pieces are still lacking from the puzzle to achieve success: I would say those are experience, and steady perseverance. And Terrell Owens is definitely a player that will bring both to the teams' performance during the following season.
I welcome the deal signed with Terrell Owens, on a personal title I think his participation with the Bills will definitely boost up the teams' possibilities of (finally) making it to the playoffs, for the first time in about a decade.